Giving back is fundamental to who we are and who we were raised to be.
To that end, a percentage of our profits will be donated to support cherished causes, near and dear to our hearts.
Meals on Wheels, provided daily lunches to our co-founder, Kristy’s grandfather during the final four years of his life. Kristy’s mother dedicated 15 years of her life, volunteering at Meals on Wheels weekly. Since 1954, the goal of Meals on Wheels has been to support senior neighbors – extending their independence and health, as they age. They currently help over 2.8 million seniors annually.

Reading is Fundamental is an organization committed to inspiring a passion of reading among young children. Co-founders, Kristy and Ginger’s mothers spent their careers in elementary education. They knew that every child deserves the opportunity to own books, learn how to read, and obtain the fundamental building blocks to achieve their highest potential. They helped instill the belief that every day is an opportunity for learning, and that the lifelong journey of knowledge begins by simply turning a page. Together, we can and will make the world a better place.